Wednesday, November 12, 2008

John's Words of Wisdom Week 6

Hey Crew,

I hope you all are enjoying your time off but still, keeping the overall goal of Digital Media in mind. Which is to create positive and conscious media for all. This week in John's Words of Wisdom I would like for you all to take a look at the videos below.

Video 1: Market for Ni$$gas Videos and Poems by Taalam Acey
Taalam Acey is considered by many to be the central Spoken Word artist of the current generation. He's published a novel, a comprehensive collection of poems, an award winning memoir and 9 Spoken Word CDs. Taalam has been a full time traveling poet since 1999. Tens of thousands of people own his work and hundreds of thousands have watched him live or via television and the internet. Acey performs regularly in more than 50 cities in the US and abroad. On average, he is on a plane once every 3.5 days. That's 100 flights per year to promote Spoken Word. (

Video 2: A friend of mine ask we to come view a live video shoot where one of his buddies was producing a talk show to shop to the new Tyler Perry television network. I though this was a pretty interesting event and decided to share some of the footage with you all. I don't have the current name of the poet speaking in the video below but I know the theme of what he does is called "Disco Poetry".

Overall, I would like for you all to explain in 2 to 3 paragraphs your thoughts of the most effective footage and why?

Remember to Click on the John's Words of Wisdom link and comment to the post. If you can't view the video on the post navigate to my Profile, click on view all videos and watch the 2 videos titles JWW6.

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