Tuesday, October 14, 2008

John's Words of Wisdom Week 1

(Who is the Real Uncle Tom?)

Hello All, it's that time of year again. John's Words of Wisdom is back and in full affect. This week I would like to address the Uncle Tom Cabin's Theory. There are many stereotypes out about who Uncle Tom really was.

Some say he was a backstabbing turncoat type of individual that turned on his people, others think that the Uncle Tom Cabin theory help to perpetuate the stereotypes of blacks during the late 1800's and early 1900's. Many others think that Uncle Tom was one of the main conductors of the Underground Railroad that help to free slaves. What I think, it really doesn't matter because I would like for you all to form your on opinions about who you think the real Uncle Tom was.

The steps to completing John's Words of Wisdom are below:

1. Read Articles Below and check out this website: http://www.uncletomscabin.org

2. Watch the video below.

3. Click on the John's Words of Wisdom link above.

4. Reply or Comment to the Blog and Explain in 2 paragraphs who the Real Uncle Tom was in your eyes.



Tracia said...

Week 1: Well I really hadn't heard about uncle tom but from the article that i have read it seems to me that he tried to help help out people and he really wasn't a bad person

Unknown said...

uncle tom probaly iis one of those people that is different want to be what he want to be because everybody has to be different in some way

Unknown said...

I think uncle tom was an black man who turn on his people. I think he use other people for he wouldn't get in trouble.

Unknown said...

Uncle Tom is a important part of history and for his own people to talk about him like that, that makes them the enemy. H e plays an important in the uderground railroad. So to me Tom is HERO.